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澳洲入籍考试6万多人“挂科”!快来测测,这20题你能对多少(组图) - 1






澳洲入籍考试6万多人“挂科”!快来测测,这20题你能对多少(组图) - 2



1. What do we remember on Anzac Day? 

a. The landing of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps at Gallipoli, Turkey.

b. The arrival of the first free settlers from Great Britain.

c. The landing of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove.

2. What are the colours of the Australian Aboriginal flag? 

a. Black, red and yellow. 

b. Green, white and black. 

c. Blue, white and green. 

3.Which is correct in Australian law?

a. Men and women have equal rights.

b. Men have more rights than women.

c. Women have more rights than men. 

4.When did the separate colonies join together to become the Australian nation?

a. 1601.

b. 1901.

c. 2001.

5.Who can deliver a welcome to Country?

a. Anyone that lives on the land.

b. An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander custodian of the land.

c. A Master of Ceremonies at an event on the land. 

6.What is Australia's capital city?

a. Brisbane.

b. Canberra.

c. Perth.

7.Australians believe in freedom of speech. This means

a. people can say what they think about politics.

b. men have more legal rights than women.

c. everyone must follow a religion. 

8.In Australia, the government

a. tells people which religion to follow.

b. is separate from any religion.

c. makes laws based on the official religion.

9.By law, Australian citizens aged 18 and over must

a. attend local council meetings.

b. vote in Australian elections.

c. join the Australian Defence Force.

10.Which of the following is true?

a. Australian citizens can get an Australian passport.

b. Permanent residents can get an Australian passport. 

c. Australian citizens need a visa to enter Australia.

11.In Australian elections

a. you are free and safe to vote for any candidate.

b. you must tell the police who you voted for.

c. you must write your name on your vote. 

12.The Australian Constitution is a legal document that

a. contains religious rules.

b. contains rules of government.

c. can never be changed.

13.In Australia, a referendum is a vote to change

a. the Australian Government.

b. the Australian Constitution.

c. the Prime Minister.

14.In Australia, the parliament

a. makes and changes the laws.

b. is chosen by the Prime Minister.

c. is controlled by judges.

15.The Governor-General represents

a. our head of state, the King of Australia. 

b. a political party.

c. the current Prime Minister.

16.Freedom of speech

a. underpins Australia's democratic position.

b. is not an Australian value.

c. means people do not need to obey the law.

17.Why is it important for people living in Australia to learn English?

a. Only native English speakers can become Australian citizens.

b. English is the only language spoken in Australian communities.

c. Speaking English helps people get an education and a job.

18.In Australia, the use of violence against a person is

a. acceptable if they are a different religion.

b. acceptable if they have a different opinion.

c. never acceptable and it is against the law.

19.In Australia, we believe in mutual respect and tolerance. This means you can

a. physically fight someone when you disagree with them.

b. peacefully disagree with someone.

c. only agree with people from the same religion.

20.In Australia, volunteering is important because

a. it strengthens our community.

b. it earns people lots of money.

c. we have to do it by law.

正确答案:aaabb babba abbaa accba


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平凡荣耀 23天前 回复
土澳居民jANJ5 23天前
Momo1013 23天前
我去考的時候,以上20道練習題 只出現ㄧ題,其他都不一樣,如果沒讀熟,就很難過關,並不是都考送分題。
随遇而安的人 22天前
tokie 23天前 回复
jafe121 23天前 回复
Qxc 23天前 回复
土澳居民jANJ5 23天前
Qxc 23天前
Qxc 23天前
当初监考人员当场打成绩单时满脸不解的问“why”,我笑着说“no why,you can see CCTV”(我想说的意思,没有为什么,如果有疑问,怀疑我作弊,可以查看现场的监控,只是英语就是这么烂,讲不出那么多😂😂😂)
CARP1908 21天前 回复
答案很简单,但是freedom of speech这种本身就是西方洗脑的问题还假惺惺的说有正确的答案,简直就是无耻和双标

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