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IBX Field Engineer

更新时间 2019-01-04 浏览量 1200次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Equinix
工作性质 全职
经验要求 不需要
学历要求 Diploma
签证要求 永居签证,澳洲国籍,工作签证
性别要求 不限
工资水平 面议
联系人 Justin
联系我时请说明是在 今日悉尼看到的,谢谢!


Equinix (data centre) Entry level IT support role (fulltime)


Smart Hands

Acknowledgement of requests via emails prior to completing the tasks.
Smart Hands tickets are logged professionally with details of completed tasks.
Send follow-up emails to report progress, raise queries and provide details of completed tasks.
All written and verbal communications to customers are detailed and professional.

Cross Connects

Install and test cross connects for customers after receipt of provisioning order.
Copper and fibre cross connects are routed neatly via guided paths.
Cross connects are tested thoroughly and as per regulated standards.
Cross connects are installed professionally with proper labels to ensure easy tracing.
Facility Smart Hands

Monitor Building Management System for alarms & escalate as required to Facilities staff and take action as directed.
Sound understanding of layout and location of Facility plant rooms.
Prompt response to critical Facility alarms.
Provide support to on-call Facility engineer with confidence.
Customer Service

Customer enquiries are responded to by understanding the customer request and needs using a consultative approach, in line with company requirements and in a timely manner
Other assistance is offered to customers if current request cannot be fulfilled.
Issues are appropriately escalated when all options are exhausted.
Updates are provided frequently to customers in a professional and honest manner.
Sales Support

Commitment to deliver highest results in fulfilling Sales requests.
Ability to prioritise the tasks relating to responding to Sale’s urgent requests.
Quick turn-around of Sales requests within a short time frame.
Achieve great customer feedback via Smart Hands/enquiries.
Shipment Handling

Understand Equinix Shipment Handling policy, and customer-specific procedures.
Respond to Shipment enquiries with clarity
Shipment tickets creation/update/closure are completed diligently ensuring timely & correct receipt, dispatch and customer verification.
Anything in and out of Secure Store must be logged for tracking and future reference.
Team Player

Always willing to assist team members to achieve common goals.
Positive attitude to complete outstanding tasks at hand rather than leaving them for next shift.
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。
Khitanskii 2018-12-17
HR的電話面試基本把你篩掉 沒pr 澳籍 英文不好的 本地IT工作經驗沒有的 可以略過
土澳居民tsTMP 2019-01-07
Khitanskii 2019-01-06
HR親口說的 不想培養個人才 應為visa問題 跑了
土澳居民4c5Qk 2019-01-04
……… 我进去的时候刚毕业 啥经验都没有 也不是pr…
Khitanskii 2018-12-17
工資45k左右 7am-7pm +super + 10% bonus + 保險 準備在裏面呆12個小時 就轟轟隆隆的響,自認熬不住深夜 很傷身的 不能接受的不要做 錢不多的 還顛倒晝夜上班的。
Khitanskii 2018-12-17
聽說要三輪面對面面試 挺浪費時間 面試官有三兩人 其中一個是HR在旁觀察 你的行為舉止 學歷太高的不要 太低的不要 雖然工作內容看上去很簡單 中學生都會 合符資格的人多得不得了 起碼招了兩個月還在招 可想而知的挑剔 所以會在除學歷其他方面挑剔你。國際大企業就這樣,不要抱太大希望。奉勸去LinkedIn看看他們公司這個職位在職的人的簡歷。跟他們差不多的可以試試 master 請放手。學生簽證的免問
Khitanskii 2019-01-03
在這招可能是想拉點華人進去吧 壯大一下團隊漫漫長夜 跟誰說話 裡面的頭好像有幾個華人和越南人的 很可惜 大部分華人口語都很那個,這崗位需要你跟客戶交流 不會看到簡歷上的簽證 應該連HR的電話也接不到
土澳居民tsTMP 2018-12-19

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